001- Which of the following protocols is a routing protocol? BGP 002- Which of the following commands can be used to check if ethernet cable is plugged in to the ethernet card or not? mii-tool 003- Where is the stub resolver's config file ? /etc/resolv.conf 004- Where is the default gateway setting? /etc/network/interfaces 005- How can you get logout of shell? 006- What key-combination can use instead of 'clear' command? 007- What command can you use to safely shutdown the Linux system immediately? poweroff 008- How can you change the 'test' user's password? passwd test 009- What does command 'cd -' do? recall previous directory 010- How can you copy all the content of '/tmp/test/' to a 'test' subdirectory in '/usr' ? cp -r /tmp/test /usr/ 011- What command can be use to read the text file '/etc/services' page by page ? less /etc/services 012- Which of the following commands can you use to set the ip address '' on interface 'eth0'? ifconfig eth0 netmask 013- How can you set '' as your default gateway? route add default gw 014- How can you enable ip forwarding in linux kernel? echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 015- How can you grant execute permission to the owner of '/usr/local/sbin/test.sh' ? chmod u+x /usr/local/sbin/test.sh 016- How can you drop every icmp 'echo request' packet coming to linux box? iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP 017- Which of the following firewall rules are 'stateful'? iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT 018- Which of the following commands can show partitions usage and mount points? df -hT 019- What command can search for files containing '' within entire '/etc/' and subdirectories? grep -r "" /etc/* 020- What command can search for filenames started with 'network' in entire filesystem? grep "network*" /* 021- How can you read last 15 lines of '/var/log/syslog' ? tail -n 15 /var/log/syslog 022- How can you extract 'file.tar.bz2' ? tar jxf file.tar.bz2 023- How to watch header of all packets flowing on interface "eth0"? tcpdump -nqi eth0 tcpdump -qni eth0 024- How to masquerade all packets flowing out of "eth0"? iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE 025- How can you schedule rkhunter to run from cron? rkhunter --cronjob rkhunter -c --sk --nocolors 026- How can you find processes hidden by rootkits with checking all process IDs? unhide-linux26 brute 027- What type of resource record can not be used in a reverse zone file? A record 028- What directive defines the duration that a record may be cached? $TTL 029- 'in-addr.arpa' suffix should be use in : reverse zone 030- What is the type of "." zone ? hint 031- Which of the following softwares is MTA? QMail 032- Which of the following softwares is MUA? Mailx 033- Which file is contain hashed passwords? /etc/shadow 034- Which command can be use for safe editing of '/etc/shadow' file? vipw -s 035- Which of the following commands can be use for changing properties of an existing user? usermod test 036- How can you copy files from skeleton directory to 'test' user's home directory? cp /etc/skel/{*,.*} /home/test/ cd /etc/skel/; tar cv . | tar xvC /home/test/ 037- What command can use for adding a new user with relevant home directory and 'bash' shell? useradd test -m -s /bin/bash 038- How to add an existing user to 'admin' group as an additional group membership? usermod -G admin test 039- Which command can add new user named 'administrator' with exact permissions like 'root' user? useradd -o -u 0 administrator 040- How can you login to your additional group named 'wheel'? newgrp wheel